Magnetic Pen

In collaboration with Alberto Esses.


Recreating the ordinary spring mechanism a pen uses in an elegant and simplistic way.


To explore the application of polymagnets in innovative ways.


What are Polymagnets?

Polymagnets are magnets whose poles have been created in different configurations than the ordinary magnet’s north pole on one side, and south pole on the other side.

The picture on the left shows the poles of a type of torque polymagnet. When this magnet is aligned with another magnet of the same kind, it will create an attraction force. When one of the magnets is rotated 90 degrees, it will create a repulsion force.


Taking advantage of the polar configuration of polymagnets to create a repulsive force that pushes the ink cartridge out of the body of the pen and allows you to write and then creating an attractive force to pull the ink cartridge back into the pen by rotating the magnet and changing the net polarity.


Goal - Understand how much pressure is applied on the tip of the pen while writing.

- Needed to source magnets which are powerful and compact enough to fit into the body of a regular pen.

Data - According to research paper by Harris T.L and Rarick G. L, the average person exerts 4-6 Newtons of force while writing.

Paper referenced:

Conclusion - The repulsion force of the magnets inside the pen must be greater than 7 Newtons in order to be able to comfortably write.

Proof of Concept Prototype

After researching different types of magnets, I sourced two magnets that would produce a repulsion force greater than 7 Newtons and designed a very rough prototype in SolidWorks and 3D printed it.



Prove that you are able to write using only the repulsive force of magnets to keep the ink cartridge from retracting into the body of the pen.



Created a rough prototype in SolidWorks, sliced it using Cura, and 3D printed it at home.

Body of pen houses a magnet connect to the ink cartridge with the north pole of the magnet facing up which can be seen in the opening below the yellow tape.

Inside the yellow tape is a magnet which is fixed in position so that the north pole faces the north pole of the bottom magnet and creates a repulsive force downward.



The repulsive force of magnets is sufficient to be able to write comfortably.


Project Inspiration

We are currently attempting to create a design based on the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. The Blackbird, an incredible and elegant piece of engineering fits perfectly into what we are trying to create.

3D Printed Design Iterations

Modeled after the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird, I prepared Alberto’s designs for 3D printing and printed them on my personal 3D printer.

Current Stage

Constraints: The smallest polymagnets currently available on the manufacturers website are 2cm in diameter, which is wider than what we originally wanted to make this pen.

Current stage: Since we want to make a fully working prototype, even if it is bigger than what we wanted, I am currently in the process of designing a functional, elegant mechanism in SolidWorks to fit Alberto’s design and preparing it for 3D printing.

Future plans: After talking to the manufacturer of the polymagnets, the option of custom sized polymagnets came to light. Once we have created a design for the body of the pen that we like, I will get custom sized magnets that are smaller than 2cm wide to fit into the pen and create our ideal model.


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